Games with Postable Scores could be used either as a weekly sweeps or as a fun golf tournament. If you have games you would like to include, please send the rules to WNHGA Communication Director and she will consider adding them to the list. It is always fun to have new games to stay.
One Best Ball and One Best Putt
This game is played as foursomes (use a ghost ** if you have threesomes). Play your ball through the hole counting every stroke. Each player will keep her own score and there will be a scorecard for the game. You will count One Best Net Ball and One Best Putt of the foursome (the scores may not be from the same player) on each hole. Place the Best Ball net score and the Best Putt in the indicated place on the scorecard. Total them together for the team score.
This game is played with foursomes. (Use a ghost** for the missing animals in a threesome) Beware of the ANIMALS as you travel through the golf course today. Please designate each player as follows on the scorecards:
- Lowest Handicap = Elephant
- Second Lowest = Gorilla
- Third Lowest = Giraffe
- Highest Handicap = Zebra
When you leave the green, look for the sign with one of the designated ANIMALS to let you know who is responsible for the score on that hole. Post that ANIMAL's net score at the bottom of the card for the team score.
Odds & Evens
Use your handicap for your net score. On odd numbered holes, use one best net ball of the foursome. On even numbered holes, use two best net balls of the foursome. Add the scores together for the total strokes for the team. (Use a ghost**) if it is a threesome.
Ace of Aces
Once a month play a low net event, which will qualify the winner for the Ace of Aces Tournament to be held at the end of the year. Some clubs call this their Charm Tournament and give a charm to the winner each month followed by an end of the year Charm Winner Play-Off Tournament.
Better Ball Tournament
Two players (or three if playing as a threesome) become a team and of their scores on a hole, only the lower net score is counted. (In the case of a foursome, the lower two net scores are counted.) In this type of tournament, the player's handicap for each hole is recorded on the scorecard by means of 'pops' (or handicap strokes) are deducted from the gross score on each hole played.
Bingo Bango Bongo
On each hole a point is awarded to the player who gets on the green first, a point to the player who is closest to the hole, and a point is given to the player who sinks the first putt. Be careful to observe 'honors' on the green. Winner is the player with the most points.
Blind Holes Tournament
After all players have left the first tee, the Tournament Chair or Pro Shop selects several holes. The winning net scores are based on those slected holes after deducting handicap stroke
Blind Partners
Players may physically play with anyone of their choice but the tournament partners are not drawn until the last group has teed off. Therefore a player does not know her tournament partners until she has finished playing. Winner is the team with the lowest net score after deducting both handicaps.
3 or 4 Person Cha-Cha-Cha
Each member of the 3 or 4 person team plays her ball throughout the round. A three-hole rotation exists for determining how many net scores are used to create the net team score.
On the first hole (Cha), the one lowest score is used as the team score. On the second hole (Cha-Cha), the two lowest net scores are combined to create the net team score, and on the third hole (Cha-Cha-Cha) combine the three lowest net scores to create the team score. On the fourth hole, the rotation begins again.
Chips Ahoy
Each member of a 3 or 4 person team is given a different colored poker chip (Red, Blue, White, Green). Before the tournament, organizers drive around the golf course randomly placing one colored poker chip in each hole. The team uses the net score of the player holding the same colored chip as the one in the hole.
Consolution Tournament
This is held at the end of the season on any basis desired. The only players eligible to compete, however, are those who have not won a tournament prize during the season. Some clubs give a prize to every player in the tournament. Net scores are used to calculate the winner.
East Egg Extravaganza
May be played in threesomes or foursomes.
Each player will be given a bag containing 9 East eggs. On each hole, the player with the lowest net score (after subtracting her 'pops') wins the hole and receives one egg from the other players. If there is a tie on the hole, no eggs will be rewarded and the winner of the next hole will receive two eggs from the other players. Should there continue to be a tie, the egg 'playoff' will increase by one egg per hole. If there is a tie on the last hole, the game is over and no eggs will be awarded for that hole.
Eclectic Tournament
A designated number of rounds are played within a specified time period. The player tries to improve her best previous gross score on each hole. Her final score is the total of the best gross scores.
This is a better-ball format with a twist. If a player's score is used as the team score on a hole, she is eliminated from having her score count again until all the players scores have been used. Then the rotation begins again. Use net scores.
Flag Tournament
Each player is given a small flag with her name attached to the flagstick. Using her full handicap she plays until she has used the number of strokes equaling par plus her handicap and then she plants her flag where her ball landed. For example: If par is 36 and her handicap is 20 she plants her flag where the 56th storke landed. The winner is the player who brings her flag back to the pro shop or who plants her flag farthest around the course. If several people bring their flag back, then the winner is the player with the lowest net score. The American Flag should not be used in such tournaments.
Clubs use this tournament for Halloween (using a Ghost, etc rather than a flag). Thanksgiving (using a turkey)
Luck o' the Irish
Each player plays her own game with any other player. She then subtracts her handicap from her gross score for her net score. The organizers have a large St. Paddy's day hat from which they draw out the 'teams' (3 or 4 member teams). The scores from each team are now added together for the 'Lucky' team score. The winner is the team with the lowest combined net score.
Pink Ball
You may use teams of 3 or 4. Each team has a bright pink ball (or any bright colored ball) that rotates among the players. Player 1 uses the ball on the first hole, player 2 on the second hole, etc. The rotation then repeats itself.
The colored ball score is kept as a 'team-score' for the entire round so the team with the lowest net pink ball score is the winner. If the pink ball is lost, then the team is out of that tournament but continues to play and post individual scores.
You may also have a better-ball score tournament going at the same time using the players who are not playing with the pink ball. This allows the team to continue to compete even when the pink ball has been lost. Awards would then go to the team with the best net pink ball score and the team with the best net better-ball score.
Stableford or Point Par Tournament
Using 'pops', players earn points for eagles, birdies, pars, bogeys (even double bogeys if you choose). An example would be: four points for an eagle, three points for a birdie, two points for a par and one point for a bogey. (points can be awarded in whatever manner you wish. It depends on your group and their handicaps. You do not want to make it too easy or too difficult.) The winner is the player with the highest number of points
Whack & Hack
Each player of a 3 or 4 member team plays her own ball and all four individual net scores are tallied. Two of the scores - the lowest and the highest net score, are combined to form the team score for the hole. The exception: if one of the team birdies the hole, then the team gets to combine the two lowest scores as their score on that hole.