Board of Directors

beth van dyke

Beth Van DykePresident

Beth’s goals for this year are to play in all Open Days and make it to TOC and looks forward to getting to know all the other players from the WNHGA clubs.

lauren dummer

Lauren DummerVice President/Corena Green

 Lake of the Pines


chery teague

Cheryl TeagueTreasurer/Membership

Northridge CC


Stephanie Pearl, Secretary

Stephanie PearlCorresponding Secretary

Sequoyah CC

Stephanie’s passion for golf and participation in Team Play has given her connections with wonderful women who share and love for the game.

Women's Nine Hold Golf Association

Kristin BurrupCommunications

Cameron Park CC

Lori Niehues, Team Play

Lorie NiehuesTeam Play

Cold Springs CC

Lori is WNHGA’s newly appointed director and is excited for the new year.


Sue IlgHandicapper/Rules

The Club at Castlewood

Sue is a former board member (2010-2013, 2016-2019) and looks forward to being the Co-Chair of the TOC!

lauren dummer

Lauren DummerCorena Green

Lake of the Pines

Lauren looks forward to playing a round or two of golf with you through the year at a WHNGA.

women's nine hole golf association

Melissa KrebillRecording Secretary/Open Days/Markers

Woodbridge CC

Women's Nine Hold Golf Association

Kathy AdamsTournament of Champions

Valley Hi CC


April Gilley

April GilleyMarketing Consultant

Penninsula CC